My name is Zuleigha and Yes I am slightly insane and in need of Prozac. Herein please find the stories I write with a 'possessed' imagination, poems from a healing heart and opinions of a corrupt mind. PS: I also like mermaids and Pink things
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Ok so i promise to blog more often
I am addicted to True Blood, no new news there.
And I have gotten my tickets to the first screening of New Moon already, yeah baby.
Friday, June 05, 2009
a Recap

So this year I have been very busy and on the eve of my "ag en twintig" status, I have decided the following:
1. I am addicted to pink and I never get enough of it. Enough so that even at work people have noticed, like today I have on a pink top and jersey and scarf. Is obviously very fashionably ensambled, nothing “Dolly Parton-ish”. And today my aunt said she is making me a bracelet, she wanted to confirm on whether “Pink” is an apt colour? No comment cause pink is my coulor, my enagement ring is even sort of pink (okay so its purple), my I pod is pink. I love pink
2. edward cullen is my definition of heaven.
3. dean winchester is my idea of hell
4. so if I go to either I don’t particularly care
5. so loving the new posters from New moon check em out
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Romeo and JulieT a continuation from The last Supper
Chapter 2
Romeo and JulieT
“Fuck”, that is all I am thinking and that is all that comes out of my mouth.
“Hi there Zuleigha, I could just about ask you the same thing, but much more eloquently, I should add”. He looked kinda miffed that my first reaction to seeing him happens to be the word Fuck.
I kind of just smile, I am holding a Barbie and have successfully managed to put a skirt on her head. Sameer is reeling closer, this must be some really juicy gossip even for him.
“ Hello Riyaaz, it’s a fucken small world” I say and drop the Barbie and walk away.
Sameer comes closer to me, I am sitting at the table, the roast chicken smells really good,
, “so you know Riyaaz”
“Uh Huh “ I say nonchalantly.
“okay, well have you heard about this new Movie, its with Daniel Craig in it”
“are you asking me if I know the new Bond movie” I ask him.
“yeah well…” and off he is chattering, about the new bond movie as if I don’t know that Dr No was the first movie and that Casino Royale is a remake which originally starred Sean Connery.
It was one of those days where I just needed to be alone, and what better heaven than a second hand book store, where you could get any cool book for under 20 bucks and just lock yourself away for a few hours.
I literally knocked into a guy, it was ridiculously embarrassing, I was at the stock of the small awkward stairs in that second hand bookshop in Mowbray, the Rural kids one, when I literally knocked a guy over, he nearly fell down the flight of stairs but was save by high pile of second hand Shakespere pileof books.
“Saved by Macbeth” he managed to say, picking up the brown tattered book.
I just kind of winced, and helped him up picking some books up.
“luckily there isn’t a sign that says you break it you buy it” he eventually says to me. He isn’t gorgeous, but he is really handsome, tall, fairish skin and dark curly hair.
I manage a weak smile and apologies profusively.
“Its cool, don’t worry about it”, and I realize he is still holding my hand.
This is UBER corny I am thinking to myself, I mean seriously.
“Hmmn Casino Royale” he points to the book I am holding in my hand and points to his pile which includes “To
He does this retard thing with his eyebrow, its weird and its kind of like he knows he is kidding but it’s the kind of thing that you do after you really know someone.
“I am Romeo by the way, and you fair maiden, he mocks me, indeed he does” he asks me.
“ well, kind sir, I am Juliet without the T”
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
he is not that into you....
I was like, fuck, they so hit the nail on the head, it depicts exactly what love and a relationship is, if only i read the book 10 years ago...but if i did...i wouldnt be where i am so i guess its okay but it would have saved a lot of tears and making me look like an ass!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Friday, January 02, 2009
Twilight and my Edward Cullen

Hello, happy new year and all that Jazz.
New years resolutions:
- write more often on my blogg like I used to
- write more, period
- finish my studies, wait actually start my studies ( I got this bright pink stationary maybe that might inspire me some more)
- be able to play, "kiss me" and Julie Delphie's "waltz" from before sunrise on my guitar which is laying in the box, untouched and untuned
- paint a portrait, hmmm edward cullen for inspiration
- be able to do the shoulder stand, but like properly properly
- write movie reviews more regularly on my blogg
I went to the movies to watch Twilight, not expecting anything more than your typical American gal falling in love with a vampire type thriller, KD seemed eager even (he will deny it at this point), but boy was I surprised.
Okay so its kinda corny at some parts, okay a lot of parts.
Premise of the movie, your average new chick, dark wavy hair, jeans and jacket kinda chick meets a very good looking (if you like the pastey sinewy look) guy, with uhmn really nice hair. He cant stand her or so it seems to her only its the exact opposite. For the last 90 years of his existance (where his body seems to be stuck at 17), he has never met anyone like her, call it what you like but i guess the word that comes to mind is uhmn "soulmate".
Thing is, he is a vampire, okay a vegan vampire (he and his family hunt only animals). But she is human, its what his natural instincts hunt for.
There are lines like,
"So the lion falls in love with the lamb"
"what a stupid lamb"
"what an egotistical lion"
The i went out to get the books, well the first one at least, devoured it in like 3 days, and today when i wanted to get the rest it was like sold out!!! i now ned to wait like 2 weeks, its driving me mad.
HWt i like about it is that its about love, in the purest sense. I have read other chick flick books and i love em too but for example like, "Sex n the City", notice how before you can fall inlove with a guy you need to first come to terms with "he wont break my heart like my ex did" or " is he really worth the trouble".
Okay I mean reality is very different but I loved that first love theme being explored again. First love, with hearts that believed in it.
This is exactly what happened to me when I watched, "Pride and Prejudice" with Collin Firth. It might be worse...
i have atatched some pics from my new favourite movie.
It defies logic, its corny, its cheesy, its very unrealistic, but i cant really care about that now, im just loving twilight!!!