My name is Zuleigha and Yes I am slightly insane and in need of Prozac. Herein please find the stories I write with a 'possessed' imagination, poems from a healing heart and opinions of a corrupt mind. PS: I also like mermaids and Pink things
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Christmas is coming...
So I went to woolies today and up were the xmas decorations. I love the festivities and can't wait to get a xmas tree. I am a sucker for xmas movies even! I think its just the general feeling of the festivities as almost everyone is haPpy and accomodative to xmas. This morning. I was watching a Jaimie oliver Xmas special see Xmas is everywhere as the song states in the fabulous, Love Actually.
Friday, October 21, 2011

I know I promised to do this a lot earlier in the week, please forgive me. In the mood for Halloween I created this range. Its a bit of horror and a bit of love, hmn pretty much like twilight again.
I am uber excited for the new Breaking Dawn movie to come out!
So back to cards before I jump to my other favorite thing, Twilight.
The first card is a normal I love you card i guess, with a bubble saying, " i could never have found a better man."
The second one is my favourite.The vampire says, " Edward Cullen could never compare to the real thing" . Guys, if you have a gal who is Twilight mad, this will be the perfect card on V day! By V day I mean Valentines day and not Vampire day incase you were so inclined to assume.
And the final on is a good old, "congrats on your wedding card".
These chip boards reminded me so of old classics like "Beetlejuice". I loved that movie growing up. So I guess this is a playful way of handling matters of the heart:)
Have a good weekend!
Next up is a glittering range of Cards for kids:)
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Pink Mermaid launches her Card Range

And by Pink Mermaid i mean me! For the past few months I have been going a little bit card crazy. I have spending endless hours making cards and have totally gotten totally in frukkin crazy love with it. I seem to be spending my weekends, hitting the craft shops and designing and creating words and combinations that work. I am loving it. My proper website will be up soon, but you will definitely be reading lots more from me. Promise. Cross my heart and hope to stop making cards (cause that will be the same as dying). Also, please join my facebook page.
The first three pics are from my Sex n the city Range (unoffcial, please don't sue me), where I am inspired by the sex n the city theme. A modern girl, who preys and parties in the dangerous city. Perfect for girl friends and the party gal!
Stay tuned for the , " I love you to death" range which will follow tomorrow!
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