My feet hurt cause these heels are painful and unkind inventions that make me taller and hence slimmer and ever so sexy.
For a month I have been working at THE COMPANY and I need to pinch myself to believe that tomorrow is the 1st December.
A HAPPPPYYYY BIRTHDAY to my cousin Sadiqa who turns 21 yet again!!
It makes me realize that one hardly has time to smell the flowers. We have a frangipani tree in our garden and honest to god as much as I love those pretty flowers I do not know if they have bloomed as yet. I have not looked at them. They are my favorite flowers and no I cannot buy them at Woolies as you can with almost every other conceivable item.
They tiny are white with this yellow centre but they smell like an expensive perfume, sweet and feminine, and that something extra that just makes dreams come true.
I am alive and happy none the less.
Had a really super weekend that passed and tomorrow I go watch the New Bond movie. Oh yeah baby!
I hope tomorrow I don’t forget to smell the frangipanis…
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