What a lovely evening, what an incredible day. Got up at like 5.30 am but still managed to get to work relatively late. I can so understand How Bridgette Jones manages to get late once you start looking at what you need to wear.
Black pants is always a winner, but the shirt didn’t go with the jersey and the jersey that did match the shirt needed an iron, but the iron was in the high cupboard and funnily enough the iron matched the jersey and shirt but there is seriously a limit to accessorizing.
The day starts with one of those massive meetings where the BIG BOSSES calls all of us into a meeting and they are like rearranging 60 of us on the floor. Which means the colleagues I am so used to are moving actually I am the one who has moved and I already miss my old seat!
Oh well, on a b
righter note B and I managed to watched a movie very aptly titled Hot Fuzz.
If you know me well enough you oughtta know that I am not a fan of action but after rather a lengthy negotiation process (the Messengers reviews didn’t look all that good which meant I gave in) B and I watched a movie that excuse my pun (hmmn a hot cross bun would be good) blew me away literally!!
Its so stupid, its stupefying, its so funny you don’t laugh out loud but merely laugh in shock that it can be that good. When they mean to scare you, you literally jump out of your seat, LITERALLY, it happens once and NO I am not telling you where.
There was a deeper message, you don’t need to look for it, but its not one of those preachy movies, its not a feel good movie but one cant help feeling so thereafter.
Its not life altering but for the two hours it played, it sure as hell made those two hours ultra interesting.
five star, 10/10
Hmmm, HOT FUZZ. I think I will give it a look see. Your opinion about the movie has changed my life. Thank you.
Kind regards
Hot Fuzzy
Sarcasm never suited you.
Hot Fuzzy doesnt either!!
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