Wednesday, June 27, 2007

doctor doctor...

My second POst for the day. FaCEBOOK IS SO SLOW AND ANNOYING ME.

I went to the doctor now who gave me some medicine.
But that isnt what I want to tell you about. I was in Mavis Road at Dr Brey because he is the family doctor and I have been going there since I could count. Ironically the sky is deceivingly blue and my visit to the doctor is because of a COLD. Its still freezing and I'm convinced its like minus Ten degrees or something.

Its around 3 o clockish, and I am waiting for my dad to pick me up, the road (a one way) is sort of busy, there are lots of kiddies coming home from school. Many of them looked all sullen and moody, I presume they got their report cards or marks back I recognise the look, its similar to when I get my credit card bill after a bizzairre but very neccessary trip to Nine West.

Then there are neighbours literally shouting across the road from one garden to the next on what their children are doing and what they put in their Breyaani when Daatar is out of Saffron (like my mother would ever be in a position where she is out of Saffron)

Afroz's mom walks down the road with a friend towards the busy side of Gateville presumably to do some last minute shopping. As she passes each house she stops and chats to the neighbours. She is walking with a friend and I feel a bit shy to stop her and greet (what manners I have hey but I am still wearing that very ill suited outfit as mentioned earlier)

Its peaceful actually, just waiting for my lift and watching and looking at the happenings in Mavis Road.

Oddly enough, that in itself was therapeutic. Well what would you expect on a trip to the doctors!!

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