Saturday, June 09, 2007


Ok ish slighty in the mood for movies

What I did this morning
Watched Driving Lesson with that Ron Weasly from Harry Potter, I was in an arty movie mood. It was ok not as brilliant as I had hoped

For Lunch I had:
A bit of Woolies butternut soup followed by a delicious sandwhich with extra mature Cheddar cheese (from Woolies of course) and Pepper Dews Yum Yum

A green pair of three quarter courdreys, pink top and funky Nine West Boots.

Domestic Goddess by Kinsella
Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Production

Number of times to gym this week:
Twice so far (but if I add tomorrow its thrice)


liverpool_21 said...

Hey, sharing is caring.... May I please borrow Adrian Mole and WMD.... haha, I haven't got the cash... plus, have u read Vernon God Little?

Sorry for the randomness of this....

The Pink Mermaid said...

With pleasure although the price of couriering might just also add up to the price of actually purchasing the books.

Vernon God Little hmmmn no, whats it about?

liverpool_21 said...

Well you have an extremely valid point and thus I'll just wait for the day the book falls off my ceiling.

Vernon God little by some Pierre dude is about a fifteen year old boy who literally becomes a suspect for murder. I have yet to finish it but it's pretty interesting and a good laugh. ;p