This piece has aptly been tittled favourites as it will depict some of my favourite movies which have impacted on my life.
Like an oldie which was not the hugest hit ever, but sparked a bit of my passion to the business world and inspired me to cut off my long hair, Sabrina, a chaffeurs daughter who falls inlove with the rich and handsome Harrison Ford.
My favourite character in the movie is her father, who became a chaffeur so he could have a lot of time to read. Well the bit where he took note of which shares Mr Ford invested in making him a millionare who drives cars was kinda cute too.
But the transformation of Julia Ormand with her long wavy hair, unconfidant and shy, transformed intot the beautiful elegant lady, but still unchanged, soft gentle and femine, just touched me. Also I think Julia Ormond has that innocent untouched beauty untainted by that vileness of Hollywood, with Sex and Money and plasticness. She is just beautiful and I think very few actresses can compare with it.
Then there is Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth, oh that gorgeus Colin Firth, made me date Stiff Pricks with gherkins stuck up their arses hoping that they too would change like dear Mr Darcy did. When he gets out of the pool at Pemberely and Elizabeth see's him, just that brief look, stare between Liz and Darcy aaaaah I endure the three hours just to see that glance, well my sis and I both! And that bit where Lady Catherine De Burgh washes Lizs face with all that high society BULL SHIT and Liz merely tells her to shove it and get a life (well much more eloquently put).
And I had to include an indian movie, why did i like Veer Zaara, well cause Zaara lives most of her life turning into an old ugly woman and Veer lives for love. I liked that not all love stories ended with thenm living ahppily ever after with kids and the perfect indian ending. I like that Veer is Indian and Zaara is muslim and they cross even the religion boundry which we barely even tread on.
And yes these are all love stories cause in the end what movie isnt a love story?
Strong women who marry men their mothers dont approve of, society shuns, not marrying for money no mater how desperate they may have been. I am sick and tired of the easy option, i am sick and tired of having all these constraints which limit us to love anyone, having love dictated to us.
And YES we risk getting our hearts broken, yes we will fall and break and CRY but let us do that, its called LIVING and FEELING, things I Think God wanted and wants us to endure to understand.
There is a saying, I read in a book tittled "When you here hofbeats think of a Zebra" and it says knowing yourself will help you know God and when in a relationship, you end up learning so much about yourself.
Sometimes you meet a few fruitcakes along the way but thats only cause when the real one comes along, you will appreciate what you have.
I was chatting to my friend Liz and she was saying, Love without prejudice, without restraint but when past hurts have scarred its a bit hard, and that is unfair to your current love.
So love stories and movies exist not to show everything is perfect, but bumps along the road will come in all fairytales, but in the end, YOU chose to be happy.
I do not think we all end up with our soulmates and great loves, if you do, I think you are very lucky, but just meeting him/her, I think that is wonderful, better than wonderful, i think its magic. I think love is magic, so be bedazzled by it, listen to the sweet tunes which seep through shy glances, touch without hesitation, and love with your whole heart before it all disspaears for death will surely come, it might come earlier than expected.
Death is the only thing we all are certain of, everything else is either a gamble, a risk, fate and if you lucky a magic trick disillusioning you into seeing only what you yearn to see, love comes and goes, hurts and stings, strains and pains.
In the end its about a scale and weighing the benefits with the costs.
I think i Know which way my scale is leaning towards...
I remember watching Julia Ormond for the first time in that epic film "Legends of the Fall" with Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins.
She was very beautiful, true. Probably one of the more understated beauties in Hollywood. You have good taste in movies. ;)
Thank you Shahriman, and yes I think I do have good taste:) (Modesty is a virtue unbeknown to me as yet:))
I was inlove with "Legends of the Fall" which I thnk falls in a category all on it's own yes Brad Pitt contributed greatly to the above mentioned sentence being stated)
I see you also likes Amelie and quite a few of my movie favourites (Don't you just love doing Shrek impersonations although I think "DONKEY" really does steal the lime light)
I liked Interview with the vampire (Yes Brad Pitt yet again contributes)however the other dark stries like Underworld and other Anne Rice books trned into movies doesnt quite do it for me. Are you into Horror? Cause I am a huge fan but enjoy the older classics like Rosemary's Baby and the Omen...
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