Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hanging Out

It has been a long time since I last posted anything, and around the next bend FAST approaches, which I gather will leave me with more time to veg out infront of my belovered pc screen.

Work has been keeping me busy, amongst other things which include being a movie reviewer. Well not really a reviewer more like a reviewers partner whilst watching movies not available to the public, and you will therefore find that a regular piece on movies I have watched and my review on it.

I am a simple girl, with simple tastes and prefer the pastels to the glitter and glamour.

I discovered or rediscovered the coziest little place ever. THE TRAIN in sea Point which albeit has a view of the main road in Sea Point, nothing cosy bout, that , one is quickly removed from the hustle and bustle at the waterfront with its tourists and models or from the much dreaded Canal walk (KANALLA) where you are likely to bump into everyone you seriously have no desire to see.

On Thursday eve, instead of watching the usual movie I ended up going to Canal walk to meet a friend of a friend, and meet up for a cup of coffee (or Chocolate milkshake). So off we hit in the dense traffic of Cape Town Woodstock (more like I sit and chat away as a passenger and not very reliable co pilot) and wonder, why the busiest Mall in CT is situated in the middle of Nowhere literally? There are so many entrances I always get lost, so many shops ALL selling those long t shirts and we ALWAYS seem to get be in maze when trying to locate the car. I was disappointed in the Milkshake, pleasantly surprised at the good company and after three hours we head off home, from the middle of no where.

The other night after work my friend Razeena decides for us to watch a movie after her exams so Rabia picks me up in her TT, and off we gallivant to watch that new chick flick movie with Lindsey Lohan but yet again underestimate the turmoil in traffic when we hit town so opt to get French fries at Steers and enjoy the warm Spring nights we have so missed these last six months. The view was pretty over the Bay, there was some kind of Magicians show on, making the atmosphere all happy and jovial and after debating on Marcels or not we head off to watch Hoodwinked (I would give it a 7 and its mainly cause I kinda smaaked the wolf)

Anyhows, on a beautiful Spring day when the sun shone brightly off I ventured to the beautiful Kirstenbosch. I dunno how housewives get to be so efficient and manage time so well, I completely lose track of time and am fondly rescued by the so convenient and creative woolies and get a few deli products which I could have claimed as by products of my excellent culinary talents had I not been caught walking down the road with my pick n pay green bag after catching a taxi from Vanguard MALL ( no comment).

Actually let me comment, the Mall is not that bad to shop in, if u need something in a rush its literally on the doorstep (when u have a car yeah).

But where was I, so I think everyone had the idea of a picnic and I walk with my neat picnic sack on my back with plates, cutlery and pretty glasses with a check table cloth very frustrated on not finding a nice shady spot.

Then there is those speckled chickens (why cant I remember what they are called just now) only indigenous to South Africa acting all territorial over that the last shady tree and I nearly want to tell it I’m eating his distant cousin on a roll from Woolies with some green chutney (just to let him know I am dangerous).

And after like two hours, the wind picks up and its icey cold, luckily I anticipate this (who am I kidding I don’t!! but my company does and I end up wearing jacket whilst he freezes his ass off) and it’s a cold wintery Cape town eve yet again.

But thankfull for a few hours of pretending its summer, feet breathing in flip flops and short sleeve t shirts.

Now the beach and hikes, picnics and nature anytime, but until summer makes its more permanent residence in my beautiful city, Canal walk, Waterfront, Cavendish and yes even New comer Vanguard Mall with its All Halaal menu will have to be my hang out joints!!!

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