My name is Zuleigha and Yes I am slightly insane and in need of Prozac. Herein please find the stories I write with a 'possessed' imagination, poems from a healing heart and opinions of a corrupt mind. PS: I also like mermaids and Pink things
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Roxette The Centre of the Heart (is a suburb to the brain)
Per & Marie:
What am I gonna do when I get a little excited,
a little in pain? Tell me
What am I gonna say when I find the centre of my heart
is a suburb to the brain?
You wear them so well, those innocent eyes
You're puttin' on a wonderful disguise
I want you so bad. I'm pushing my luck
It feels like being hit by a truck
This is no place special. Don't know why I came
If someone has a minute, won't you explain
What am I gonna do when I get a little excited,
a little in pain? Tell me
What am I gonna say when I find the centre of my heart
is a suburb to the brain?
na nana nana na
na nana nana na
Being with you, dealing with fire
Oh won't you come around (come out)
come out (today) and play
(I want you so bad)
Answer my calls
Let's spend the night within these walls
This is no place special.
Nothing for the sane (Nothing for the sane)
If someone's got minute, do please explain
What am I gonna do when I get a little excited,
a little in pain? Tell me
What am I gonna say when I find the centre of my heart
is a suburb to the brain?
na nana nana na
na nana nana na
What am I gonna do when I get a little excited,
a little in pain? Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me
What am I gonna do when I get a little excited,
a little in pain? Tell me
Per & Marie:
What am I gonna say when I find the centre of my heart
is a suburb to the brain?
na nana nana na
na nana nana na
What am I gonna to do
What am I gonna do when I get a little excited,
a little in pain?
The centre of my heart
Yeah, yeah, yeah
What am I gonna say when I find the centre of my heart
is a suburb to the brain?
What am I gonna do now?
Per & Marie:
What am I gonna say when I find the centre of my heart
is a suburb to the brain?
story 1
He promised he would come and no one else knew she was here. She held the necklace in her sweaty hand, she grasped it with all her might. He was coming for her.
He looked at her faint smile that was almost hidden on that angelic white face, cliche or not. He wished she didnt like the Spice Girls so, and that annoying habit of chewing straws after a drink only highlighted the age gap more.
He looked at his Seiko watch for the tenth time and the time was getting closer.
"Ladybugs in the den" N said as soon as he picked up his Sony Cell phone.
Code talk was so lame and amateurish. N was formal as ever, and could see everything with all the cadgets Ray and her team came up with. He felt a bit like in a James Bond Movie, only there was no Astin Martin, sexy woman to have casual affairs with, there was just Angie who desperately needed saving.
She kicked her shoes off and glanced at the snowy tv set and walked accross to change the chanel.
It was then when she saw that the receptionist had a wooden leg. Her frock was frilly and green, and covered just ill above her knees. She wore a black pair of stockings but her left leg was really wooden. Like in old movies. THis place was weird, and Tash was supposed to be here somewhere. Tash who booked in with her and had disappeared early this morning before breakfast, or was it after. Angie didnt even know cause when she woke up it was 10 and all she managed to get was toast and apricot jam, well it looked like apricot Jam. The coffee was a dilution of something black and tasted like what she would expect coffee to taste like had it have an expiry date.
Tash left a note saying that she was going for a hike and then go for a train ride.
Erica was sitting in a corner, and it looked like she was on her cell phone. Erica she had met just earlier this morning, whilst attempting to eat the "sort of" breakfast. Signal, was she actually getting signals? She was talking of lady bugs. Lady bug? What was that about?
Sunday, November 11, 2007
a beautiful sunday morning...
One, I mistake it for a weekday and feel such solace knowing I can sleep later and work does not bekon.
Two, its summer in SA, the sun sweetly wakes me up with beautiful sun beams streaming through my make shift curtains.
I was up rather early today, it may be beause I heard my dad switching on the computor to check out at 7am this morning. Then he came to steal "The Secret " which I borrowed from a work colleague.
I have been reading quite a few books of late, one being "Spud" written by "John van der Ruit". It occupied me each evening with its absolute silliness, intrigue and such a cheery disposition. I literally laughed out loud and ignored BF most eves enthralled by what, Spud, Mad Dog, Rambo, Fatty, Guv and the Wombat were up to. The romance with mermaid was too cute, and i recomend all South Africans to read it as well. Ironically enough I got the copy from a none South African.
But back to breakfasts, I love early mornings, they make the day stretch out so much more. There are hours to look forward to, and seeing the caressing summer sun rays, aah what can be more beautiful. I feel so optimistic, so happy so eternally blissful (wait till tomorrow and work bekons and sadness will step in), I cannot wait to go to the beach.
But now so much more to still do, on this Sunday morn. Adious amego (or however you spell that)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
at this moment (not a song by celine dion)
I feel blessed in infinite ways and even if all the blessings were not so aptly bestowed on me, even then I would be glowing with anticipation, waiting for the other good things I will discover on the path I have chosen.
Pride and arrogance has no place here, it erodes and winds the path causing me to chose the wrong roads at the forks of life.
Patience and forgiveness needs to be practiced not on others but on myself first. And in doing so I find that the beauty is not brought by new sceneries and more lands discovered but it’s by looking in the right directions, where nearly perfect heaven like sights can be found.
I have seen heaven, in so many small things, and I know its glimpses of heaven because at such moments, sights and smells, my heart and soul seem to merge and I feel slightly dillusional, and my feet cannot feel the ground.
Pain never lasts and when it ends you appreciate its departure.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
more arbness
arb ness
i want to watch becoming Jane.
I am going to enjoy some sunshine now
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Also, I got Sophie Kinsella's Shopoholic gets married, and so far its gorgeous. I also watched Harry POtter's new movie, how i loved that. I need to get the books Ive only read the first three.
Hmn I am just babbling, my life is so uneventful.
Agh agh agh
Sunday, July 08, 2007
My Weekend
On Friday was my brother's matric ball. It was literally a ball of laughs, lieterally. So Brymie eventaully got dresed, and my cousins Waseem, Khalid and Adam (with his side kick Tarki) came with.
Off we go to the girls house with the whole troop. It was such a laugh, so much fun. My poor bother having two older sisters is torture.
Last night Sumaya and I had our usual date, it was such fun an therapeutic just chatting the night away. We ate at Cape Town Fish Mrket. I prefer Ocean Basket.
I had the yummiest orange flavoured Hot chocolate though. It was delicious. Sumaya had a red latte. Im inlove with that too.
And when I visited Hanifa she gave me mint green tea. I love that too. Right now I am just loving life.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Just a tit bit...
Apdtly Tou recently graduated with her Masters and her thesis was on the Fishing Industry in SA.
My weekend was good, really good. On Saturday I worked a bit, just to catch up with my sick days last week. Yuk Yuk. But on Saturday eve I watched TV and just chilled. Zoolander was on an I thought it was brilliant. Then we sat at the fire and just chilled for hours over yummy warm coffee. Its Brymies Matric Ball on Saturday and we all kind of excited.
Although exam also looms around the bend for him.
Then I also hired the Devil Wears Prada a cult classic. How can you not love that movie.
On Sunday I got up late and chilled watching the special features of The Devil Wears Prada. There is an odd but sheer enjoyment I get from watching Special Features.
KD picked me up and off we went to THE DISH. It was surprisingly really good, when we arrived there was a sale at Exclusives where I got a really cool book then we got tickets for Shrek The Third, and I had my usual Thai Chicken Sandhich at Kuai.
I also mnaged to get a funky but cool pair of shoes AND AND AND finally i just bought me a copy of Hannah Montana.
The reason I got copy of Hannah Montana relates to a stint three weeks prior. I was at Look andListen when this little Six year comes up next to me as I am innocently looking at DVDS on Special and shrieks HANNAH MONTANA. Literally, it looked like she was getting a fit or something, she had 2 yellow plaits literally yet again.
So I asked my littl cousin also aptly six what Hannah Montanna is but she wasnt really into it, give her some Puppies and Meerkats and she is addicted. But apparently its huge at her school.
And then I gt my sisters friend Grant and he is a massive Hannah Montana fan.
My movie reviews are sure to follow especially in the Hannah Montana MAdness.
KD shakes his head, whats he doing with a nutter like me....
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
doctor doctor...
I went to the doctor now who gave me some medicine.
But that isnt what I want to tell you about. I was in Mavis Road at Dr Brey because he is the family doctor and I have been going there since I could count. Ironically the sky is deceivingly blue and my visit to the doctor is because of a COLD. Its still freezing and I'm convinced its like minus Ten degrees or something.
Its around 3 o clockish, and I am waiting for my dad to pick me up, the road (a one way) is sort of busy, there are lots of kiddies coming home from school. Many of them looked all sullen and moody, I presume they got their report cards or marks back I recognise the look, its similar to when I get my credit card bill after a bizzairre but very neccessary trip to Nine West.
Then there are neighbours literally shouting across the road from one garden to the next on what their children are doing and what they put in their Breyaani when Daatar is out of Saffron (like my mother would ever be in a position where she is out of Saffron)
Afroz's mom walks down the road with a friend towards the busy side of Gateville presumably to do some last minute shopping. As she passes each house she stops and chats to the neighbours. She is walking with a friend and I feel a bit shy to stop her and greet (what manners I have hey but I am still wearing that very ill suited outfit as mentioned earlier)
Its peaceful actually, just waiting for my lift and watching and looking at the happenings in Mavis Road.
Oddly enough, that in itself was therapeutic. Well what would you expect on a trip to the doctors!!
an update
What I am reading: Olivia Goldsmiths First Wives which I borrowed from Debbie pretty funy thus far and dare I add I am surprised
What I am wearing: A black pants (I was getting ready for work but opted to call in sick and go to doc) a pink tracktop and a thick scarf
Listening to: Karen Zoid and the X diet(thats for laughs)
Movie I want to watch: Shrek the third
What I want more than anything: A GHD and a Hannah Montana DVD
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Mission Impossible; Actually Mission Possible.
I wanted to tell you about our strategy day....Considering I almost never relate to what I actually do 80% of the time (wel minus movies of course!)
We have two sort of Managers let’s call them M&L.
M&L were top secret about this strategy day, so only the day before (Friday) we were given our formal invites (via a DVD). On the DVD was a sort of James Bond Mission Impossible sort of theme with our mascot the Zebra and some cool James bond special effects to the Music of Mission Impossible.
Dressed in jeans and takkies I assumed the funnest thing we could possibly do was have some famous person talk to us but BOY did they literally throw me overboard.
Next we were told the Gear, Combats, a towel, a toiletry bag and an evening dress.
And on Saturday at 7.30am we met at the headquarter, ie The Company.
So on this DVD was a soduko(a different one for each of us) and in the corner right hand corner was a number which sorted us into our secret mission groups.
Half sleepy we arrive at the head quarters, seated in an Auditorium in our secret agents teams.
So we all sitting in our groups and they start playing a clip on the screen in our Auditorium.
Its M&L dressed up in sunglasses and black coats and graphic designed like its a Bond movie and we given instructions like,
"Listen carefully, cause we dont repeat ourselves twice"
(oh so scary all serious like we burst out laughing),
"On level P1, there are taxis for each Secret Agent Group, with a taxi and a laptop. On the Laptop is your first mission, and the games starts NOW!!"
So like crazy people we all run, and there really are taxis and inside is the laptop, we switch it on (with instructions in an envelop), and its M&L again, all in black and white really going with the Secret Agent theme,
“Our mission is an aquatic one, where we need to swim to great depths, with sharks and pretty fish, there is a bouy that will save us to the next mission"
So we think ok it has to be the aquarium, so off we go.
We the first to arrive and then realize the other teams all start with different missions.
We see the COMPANY sign, run towards it and are ushered to the big tank.
A few weeks ago, our marketing person was looking for divers for an EGOLI advert, and even sent some people on a diving course. Little did we know they trained divers especially for this task, although they too weren’t informed of the days invent, a diver was placed in each team, and the task was not easy.
The diver got into a wet suit, got an oxygen tank and had to dive into the tank with SHARKS (with ugly big teeth). One of the aquarium divers went with them. In the tank they had to find our clue, which we figured had to be a key from the clues on the DVD.
Superman our diver was fearless and plunged in for the dive, finding the key shortly.
The key was a key to a locker at a Gym, Virgin, Active at the Point. With our laanie taxi driver Adenaan, off we go, breaking speed limits, we are on a mission, Mission Possible.
We get to the gym, and rush to the lockers, Alexia manages to find the clues, pictures of a place, familiar place, next to the Radison at the Waterfront!
We arrive and there is a boat,
a boat means there is water,
water means we could find a bouy.
All strapped up in life jackets we venture off into the ocean, blazing blaring, at a really fast speed we venture off.
We eventually find the bouy (Actually it got tangled in a small fishing boats line), and on the bouy is a rope and on the rope is a bottle and in the bottle is our next clue.
So off we go on our boat ride back to shore and we are handed a second CD, Mission One complete.
Off we go listening to the clues said very artfully by M&L.
“Wade through a lot of Crap from our clients”
They give us directions to a corner of two roads in Town and off we go. We all get out and we see nothing only a bag full oh uhmn crap. They cant seriously be seriously, but they were just that. Alam very gallantly starts going through the dirt and we find a paper with instructions.
Meanwhile Superman hears the public phone ring nearby and goes to answer it. The phonecall says, you have to run and you have to run now, no taking a taxi and off we dash like lunatics to directions on a piece of crappy paper leading us to opposite the Castle.
On the pavement is some guys with gum boots and torches and a ladder going down down down a ladder into the sewers.
We didn’t find the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles, but we did find our next clue after walking which felt like forever in the dark with huge gum boots in a sewer filled with cockroaches, and a tiny little light bobbing from our heads.
Mission Two complete.
Our next clue was handed by the “SEWER guys”
“Information is free and only cocts R8” M&L bellowed.
We find the next SECRET MISSION I in the classifieds section of the paper, hmmn the location of the SECRET party tonight can be found when we go to great heights at Culemborg?
You have got to be joking but we went on a helicopter ride, that was so cool and amazing, And on top of our COMPANY building we find the secret address of the secret party for the secret agents on a massive not so secret poster on our buildings roof.
That was so awesome but our day is not complete as yet.
We abseil off the half finished bridge in Town, we have a game of paintball shooting, and we have a Spiderwoman in our team when Shams gallantly climbs up the rock wall effortlessly.
And our final mission is to make money out of a R50, which leads us to the waterfront selling Pepsis! And Corder being very dashing and even selling ICE to make money !!
Off we head back to headquarters were we just hang out and talk a bit.
We flew, we were in and on the water, we abseiled down a bridge, we went below the ground, we climbed we did almost everything possible for us to do.
And the message was anything was possible (well that and some other businessy very private Company mattersJ top agent stuff of course)
In the eve we were dashed to a beautiful house in Camps bay (top Billing style) complete with those swimming pools were the waterfalls over on the sides.
We laughed, we ate and we danced us silly.
At one o clock I climbed in my bed, and NEVER would have imagined that they had planned ALL of that! I was impressed and wonder if they will be able to impress me again, after all when you knock the socks off me where else can they possibly go?
I have a new found respect for what boring-talk-talk-airy –flairy strategy days are like.
PS: Pictures to Follow
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Ok ish slighty in the mood for movies
What I did this morning
Watched Driving Lesson with that Ron Weasly from Harry Potter, I was in an arty movie mood. It was ok not as brilliant as I had hoped
For Lunch I had:
A bit of Woolies butternut soup followed by a delicious sandwhich with extra mature Cheddar cheese (from Woolies of course) and Pepper Dews Yum Yum
A green pair of three quarter courdreys, pink top and funky Nine West Boots.
Domestic Goddess by Kinsella
Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Production
Number of times to gym this week:
Twice so far (but if I add tomorrow its thrice)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Just Maybe…

I thought I had figured it out. I thought I had found the exact ingredients, conjured the correct combinations and extracted the perfect solution, I thought I had found the answer that should be replied to the most asked questions.
Maybe its because I have started become more accepting, of a body not replicated to that of Halle Berry on a bad day, but one that seems fairly comfortable clothed in a size 14 funky ¾ corduroy jeans and a bright red shirt with hair that will always be too curly and never straight enough.
Maybe it’s the fact that in the end I am doing exactly what they wanted, however the way I am doing it, is exactly the way I had always wanted.
Maybe it’s letting go of pressures that would sink me even though I am an excellent swimmer.
Maybe it’s because I found a man to love who loves me and whom I would never have loved because nothing is good enough and his love and mine would never suffice.
Maybe it’s letting go of perfection and the need to paint this perfect picture and accept the untidy splatters of an inexperienced and uneducated artist.
Maybe it’s because even God in her infinite wisdom is smiling at me, almost like she knows something I don’t.
Maybe its because Nine West has a sale on and boots in my colour and in my size!!
Just Maybe…
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Divinely Delicious Butter Chicken (At the Request of Marlene)
250ml of plain yoghurt (the orange and white candy stripe carton)
2 tablespoons of Lemon Juice
2 table spoons of minced garlic and ginger paste
2 tspns chicken braai
A quarter teaspn chillie powder
¼ tspn fine cloves
¼ tspn fne cinnamon
¼ tspn fine cardamom
3 tspn chicken braai
Mix all of the above and marinate about 500g of chicken breasts in this. The longer you marinade the yummier this get but u can make and fry immediately if u like.
Fry this in a pan with a little bit of olive or fish oil, just wet the pan with oil and fry till golden brown.
- Just a little less than 1 tin of fine tomato puree pour into a pot on low heat
- Add a knob of butter (its supposed to be half a cup but I have omitted the butter ironically altogether)
- Add the rest of the marinade that remains in the bowl and stir into the pot with the tomato and butter.
- Add 2 TBspns lemon juice
- Hmmn add the chicken and give it a nice simmer
- After the simmer add some coriander if you want some more flavor although this isn’t according to the proper butter chicken recipe
And Finally the CREAM
- Add about 100-125ml of fresh cream (unwhipped, I’m sure you can use the rest in a very delicious way) just before serving and stir in.
- The color should be a rich orangey gravy yum yum yum
To be served with steamed Basmati rice and roast potatoes and finished with a delicious dessert. Check the desserts in store:)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
What a lovely evening, what an incredible day. Got up at like 5.30 am but still managed to get to work relatively late. I can so understand How Bridgette Jones manages to get late once you start looking at what you need to wear.
righter note B and I managed to watched a movie very aptly titled Hot Fuzz.
There was a deeper message, you don’t need to look for it, but its not one of those preachy movies, its not a feel good movie but one cant help feeling so thereafter.
Its not life altering but for the two hours it played, it sure as hell made those two hours ultra interesting.
five star, 10/10
Saturday, April 21, 2007
My Carrie Bradshaw Moment
Season 4, the episode titled MOTHERBOARD.
And there it crashes.
My hard drive was finished, the Warrantee had expired, and I totally forgot to back up my hard drive which meant I lost EVERYTHING.
And no Aiden to buy me a new funky MAC, but I did manage to get a new hard drive (THANK U HASSAN)!!
And here I am again writing feeling rather peckish, in the mood for a BIG MAC
just why
When is the sun ever going to really start shining instead of the fluorescent artificial ones that have lit up our lives because of all the dark clouds hiding the real sun.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Its about time!!
A brief stint to Jozi last week however vapourised three days of my working week. It included a training Session at THE companies office in Jozi. I felt like a little Cape Farmer, our humble abode is pale in comparison to the TAj Mahal in Sandton.
Ray and I had my favourite dish at Bukhara, and to seal it all off I had a chocolate ice cream and Haagen Das(my first taste and who my lips yearned for more)
Work has inhabited almost all my time, although I do still have time for some brilliant movie reviews!
Music and Lyrics
With gorgeous Hugh Grant and those adorable laghter lines and Drew Barrymore who also adds her own element of cuteness. Hugh is a Musician (he creates melodies) and Drew is a plant waterer/Weigh Less worker (yeah like how do you ever wear such gorgeous clothes earning a salary from those lousy jobs), Hugh was in a band which had a very catchy song called POP GOES MY HEART but is no a nobody who used to be a somebody.
I am not going to give it all away but I thought it entertaining, perhaps predictable (the usual, guy and gal fall inlove, they both have their own issues to deal with but in the end...they live happily ever after) but the songs I thought were pretty wicked, very catchy and I didnt mind watching Hugh do that hip thing dance move with a tight pants and a mullet hair style.
Hmn a 7/10 I rekon
The Prestige
Its good hey, and I never expected it to be. Two magicians (both very cute) are friends who become enemies.
They try to discover each others tricks and illusions.
I think it gives a few magicians codes secrets, like the trick with the bird! I had no idea that a bird REALLY dies when doing that trick.
Which makes you wonder...about a lot of other tricks. I dont want to tell too much, but listen carefully cause at the end you are going to be surprised!!
That is all I have time for now but please keep glued. I am currently addicted to Smallville, I just completed watching season 3,4 and 5 in the past two weeks!!
So more reviews shall soon be revealed....
Saturday, February 03, 2007
So I have had a crazy week, KD (my boyf) and I went to watch 3 Japaneese movies this week, all at the Movie festival.
Waterboys was the best of the three and I must admit one of the best movies I have seen in a really long time. It was really performed with passion, and the humour, aah I laughed me so silly and the guys next to me nearly choked on popcorn with laughter.
Its about these five nerdy outcast guys at a school who decide to d this synchronized swimming number for the school festival and the adventured ajoined to them in collaorating this performance.
It includes a shy teacher(its where the adventure starts), a trainer who has a more arped way of teaching than Mr Miyaagi (from Karate Kid) who has an almost alergic reaction to cool music, and ofcourse your usual "Cool" bunch of kids and a really strong cute girl that the main character falls for.
The cast includes a 'used to be cool kid" with an Afro (bare in mind he is Japaneese), the usual cute but unconfident boy, fanatical areobic dancer, a Japaneese drag queen and so much more.
I would give t 9/10 really super and I really was impressed.
Biliken, a sort of geni who makes wishes come true goes on many adventures with peoples strange requests somethimes he pleases and sometimes he mucks up, a 6 and a half out of ten.
Pulse, a horror which has alredy been done in America (why does America steal all the Japaneese Horror? Its almost as bad as Bollywood stealing from Hollywood), it was ok, and I am assuming its bette3r than the English version.
I screamed my guts out, I dont have the staminer for horrors like i used to and KD occasionall softly scratching me to freak me out even more doesnt help.
Monday, January 29, 2007
A Triangle has three Angles
A gaze was all it was ever meant to be and desire ignited flames which would burn woods which housed many animals which weren’t due to die as yet. As I climbed into a more comfortable position between his arm and chest I smelled his hair and the guilt hit in. I felt nauseous for a brief moment, in my stomach like an invisible ball filled with sickly puss which settled along the lining of my stomach.
He looked at me, with warm eyes, eyes that cared, and I slid in deeper in that embrace, that forbidden embrace.
My phone rang and I let it ring the Beyonce tune, voice mail could take that, Saturdays one should not be disturbed even if it is your husband.
Shibeer and I have known each other four months, we met per accident at a work conference, he was at the
My husband Sameer was everything husbands should be, epiphany of perfection, kind, sweet and trusting, the sort that cooks supper without being told and gives u unannounced massages without complaining.
I loved Sameer.
Shibeer and I happened by accident, a perpetual accident and like magnets were attracted t each other with a force a force that transcended logical judge ment and moral distinctions.
The first time we slept together, I just lay there, no one made me feel so good. Not that Sameer and I lacked in any way, it was just different, forbidden and something that never could happen again. But everytime I flew down, I gravitated to his bachelor pad and we made the same mistake over and over again until the guilt almost became comfortable.
I was two months pregnant, I always wanted children so it hardly came as a shock in the eighth moth of our marriage. Our parents were ecstatic, Sameers mother literally glowed that she was finally going to become a grandmother.
I looked forward to four months of maternity leave, my mum would help out with the baby and I had my full families supprt. Maybe this would even change me, change my behavior and feelings towards Shibeer
He met her per accident really. She was standing in front of him at Seattle Coffee shop and was reading the Business papers. Her hair slightly curled at her forehead and her lips were a sft pinky red, her skin lterally glowed, she was cute, curvy, maybe a bit plump but in a cute way that made him want to cuddle her. But her eyes were deep, pretty, no beautiful and like in those corny romance novels it was love at first sight.
So he nearly stalked here until he realized that she would be at this coffee shop every Saturday morning at exactly 8.30 and even though he wasn’t a morning person, he made sure he could get a glimpse of her for 8 Saturdays thereafter, until one day she actually spoke to him, it really started as her asking to read the paper.
She was funny if not a tad bit shy, her fingers were chubby, and she was not wearing the most flattering t shirt, it looked like she had woken up and jumped into a track top, but it didn’t really matter.
He adored her and would always adore her.
Her kisses were soft and enduring, she had infectious laughter at the arbest thins, a tad bit ditzy, smart in that quirky way. She loved him, he could feel it, and she professed it in letters she wrote on pink
It always hurts, but the pain was unbearale at times, so much so that a few times he would literally stalk her. He flowered her to the coffee shop they used to go to and there she sat, with him, him holding a new guys hands, kissing another mans lips and it burnt him, his wound was infected with hurt and hate.
He was not possessive, he was actually qute a gentlemen, kind and sweet, funny and loving.
He had invested a year in her, he bought her flowers and a gold bracelet for her birthday. They even walked past jewelry stores looking at engagement rings, he envisioned it all with her, a home, a wife, a mother, every single thing. She was part of him, such a big integral part, the heart, the main valve, and she had just messed it all up.
He didn’t understand the excuse, it really wasn’t even one, it was a pathetic excuse, it made him feel weak and frustrated, how could she do this to him. Three months he mourned, silently moaned, to his friends and family he pretended to be happy and okay, inside he was decaying.
It was at a work function where he nearly cracked, when he saw her with the new man, at his work function. She was in the same industry as him, but surely she new that his friends and colleagues would be there, did she have no dignity? No respect for him? He rushed out to get a breath of air on an empty terrace and there she stood, her name was Zaara, and she was spewing her ghuts out.
She was happy to be going to Joburg, she needed to be away from a perfect ness which was nearly choking. Sameer and her had been married for four moths and she was having second thoughts, serious second thoughts.
He was getting to her. The clinginess, the doing everything togetherness, maybe she really wasn’t the marrying material. Wasn’t that what Adam had told her. Adam was her first boyfriend the one who broke her heart, the one who told her, she just wasn’t the sort of girl you married, the one who messed her up so bad it took a long time to get strong and regain her self respect again.
Adam was in the papers again, some big deal, some millions he brought into Alaan Gray.
Sameer was perfect too perfect and it was bugging her. She took into consideration her period was due, due ay moment now and that usually made her a tad bit irrational, and emotional.
Four days later, it was very over due and in her stay in Joburg she needed to take a pregnancy test after a very embarrassing encounter of spewing her guts out on a balcony at a la did a work event with a man who was kind enough to get her a tissue.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
I am having a really nice weekend so far. Yesterday i went to watch a movie, Material girls and yes it was aimed at 12 year olds but I was in the mood to watch crap, i was in the mood for something teenagey, a non brainer. Then I also got me a cool beach bag for a bargain (I LOVE THE BODY SHOP) and i managed to get myself the new nigella Lawson book called FEAST.
My cuz just dropped me home I was at a picnic, a HUGE EXTENDED family function and met some of my family (the nice kind) from the UK.
Now I am waiting for THE BOY to pic me up so we can wactch this movie that he really wants to see.
Love Z
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Love and a Kitten
She smiled at him innocently as he picked up the kitten. She didn’t hate cats but she wasn’t particularly fond of them, tolerated them really, only because toleration was the only affection she could really convey to those tiny feline creatures.
Fond memories of a tiny black kitten named Peanut Butter sifted into her head as she tried desperately to forget. She never ever found out Peanut Butters gender but Peanut Butter seemed a uni sex enough name as opposed to Oprah which was her next option.
He picked up his kitten with such tenderness and studied her as if her personality was vividly displayed by her every move. Her face revealed hidden emotions only he and other cat lovers could really decipher, she stood there like a dead duck feeling very artificial for saying “Ah how cute.” and cursed herself for sounding like an idiot.
What she really wanted was to let him know that she cared about things that he cared about purely because she cared about him.
He put the kitty down and it played by his feet purring for more attention.
She almost felt like she was intruding on this world he transported himself to, him and his kitty and she felt awkward.
He disappeared into the kitchen and she patted the kitty on her head between the ears and it purred.
He returned with a glass of juice and she realized she was thirsty and dropped the Nine West bag Nine times fuller than it needed to be.
He slipped his hand into hers and it felt sticky and moist. It didn’t matter really and he stared at her with adoration just as he did a few minutes ago with the cat.
Adoration is what most women yearn for. That feeling of being admired like a Goddess somehow comforts the wickedness and message the media infringes on us for not being, thin and pretty enough. That gaze seemed to comfort that endless nagging magazines message of imperfection, an adoptive mother who constantly pointed out her inadequacies and the real mother who just didn’t care from the start.
She shook that negative thoughts off her like dandruff on a black Melton coat and he kissed her hand and gestured her to sit. They lay there in each others arms with the cat at their feet watching a movie without any sound, the remote not found.
He kissed her again, on the tip of her nose and she closed her eyes to receive it.
When she opened her eyes he was gone and the purring kitten was at her feet.
His death was sudden and they said almost painless.
When he rushed in front of a car to save her Peanut Butter.