Monday, May 01, 2006

p L a Y e R S

Have you ever played chess? It’s a very interesting game of strategy with the object being to outsmart your component by maneuvering different pieces in such a way so to capture the king of your opponent.

The queen (self esteem) has the most power and is your strongest piece. Your pawns are your supposed weakest pieces, however if they reach the other side of the board then they become a queen or another more powerful piece.

Bishops are so cleverly disguised and make me believe that they really do care. I am quickly side tracked, tricked and trapped, I need to sacrifice my queen once again.

But Knights are the best, they pretend to rescue me from a fate worse than death. They are the biggest liars because you really believe they going to save you, instead they end up hugging you and stabbing you with a dagger in your back, yes die in my arms they would say smiling and kissing you as the blood oozes out of the wound you were waiting for to heal. That very wound that you had told the knight of, the wound he said he would tend to, only the tend you assumed he was talking of wasn’t the same one he had in his mind.

Come the trusty castle, that guy friend who was always your best friend, who protects your king (heart) who comforts you.

Unfortunately he also always gets seduced by your opponent’s queen and often leaves you in the lurch. Unrequited love leaves a bitter taste on the tip of your tongue and nothing tastes sweet thereafter even if it really is a sweet treat.

In the end all that remains are the pawns and they are disguised cause if they reach the end of the board they could evolve into queens, knights, bishops or castles, you never know which.

In the end, its all about strategy, love my dear is just a game of chess, and even if you do end up checkmating your opponent, you’re still just a PLAYER.

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