My name is Zuleigha and Yes I am slightly insane and in need of Prozac. Herein please find the stories I write with a 'possessed' imagination, poems from a healing heart and opinions of a corrupt mind. PS: I also like mermaids and Pink things
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I teased him a bit and smiled so shyly, attempting to talk of everything else. I picked up a DVD in the Look and Listen store.
"Hmn, this looks good, a bit melodramtic, but I like that" I say matter of factly, looking at him out of the corner of my eye, half my view is hidden by my fringe.
He jut stares at me, not listening, not commenting not participating in my conversation at all.
"Don't you think so?" I ask politely, persisting, passing the DVD on to him.
"I can't quite think right now." he says, almost like subtly commanding me to shut up.
I like seduction games, where you kind of play with your prey first and then eat them alive.
Thats seduction, when you don't even know you're in danger. When you so unsure on what is, when reality's rigid structure falls apart, when you're too late to evacuate a building thats going to explode. My passion builds, I want him, I want the same things that he wants, if not more, so much more, and my insides starts to burn with a forbidden desire, that temptation of forbidden fruit, some things are just worth being banished forever for.
He moves closer to me and very gently grabs my arm. Its almost like in slow motion.
"This way Zuleigha, that lady can't pass through"
"Oh" I stammer, I thought he was going to embrace me with a kiss and was anticipating for him to do just that.
His mask falls back on, those brown eyes, mystery eyes, as cliche as it may sound are covered once more, behind that mask hides my man.
"Titanic?" he asks, looking at me perplexly, absurdly, holding the DVD that I had passed on to him.
"You got to be joking." he laughs at me and places the DVd back on the shelf.
yeah, i must be fucken joking!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
A poem
It echoes in your laugh, nothing fake
When you say my name it sounds so real
And when our hands nearly touch, in my heart I can feel
You really do care, this is something more than a dance
I'm mesmerised by what is happening, half in a trance
We go for coffee at a place by the sea
The ocean beating against the sand, no other place I want to be
Past hurts used to haunt and stop me from reaching up high above
Made me a disbeliever in the concept of love
But with your patience and humour I think I see some hope
I no longer long for the my ciggies and my cheap dope
My pessimism is gone, my thoughts no longer infested with the need to proceed on a path to prove my worth
I no longer wonder, confused, upset for my purpose on earth
Its not all perfect, there are so many things still that needs to be fixed and improved
But I've learnt to believe agian, to feel like its worth risking, my heart, my head, my ideals
So thank you for the miracle you did, I must confess
Having you in my life makes me feel less in a mess
3 o clock?

Last night I woke up and it was exactly at Three o clock when I woke. Which freaks me out. A friend told me, 3 o clock is the bewitching hour and Im the biggest scardy cat. The night before i also woke up at that hour. I was freaked again.
I sleep with my pc on so i can have a bit of light (eskom better not hear that) but i promise u I totally imagine stuff. Like i have this poster witha bridge and a lake on it and then i imagine that girl fro The ring gets out o the water and walks onto the bridge into my room. AGhhhhh and then i stare at the picture all the time.
Its a very funky black and white pic but yaw. Then I go online and read bloggs or chat. Im weird like that.
When i first got my pc with internet I would be online half the night, i think im better now.
But do u think 3 o clock is a bewitching hour?
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Love an opinion piece

“Falling inlove (or lust) and fear feel a lot alike. They both give you that anxious butterfly feeling in your stomach, a sense of excitement, and a general unease physically and mentally. Its easy to confuse love with fear.”
Obtained from a book called “Its called a Breakup cause its broke”, by Greg Behrendt and Amira Routola- Behrendt, that people who brought, “He’s Not that into you”
Perhaps I’m being way too cynical here (or too accepting) but we do not always marry whom we were most in love with. Sometimes passion is a dangerous substance to consume in reality. I believe that for every person, there is
Defn of marriage:
Main Entry: mar�riage
Pronunciation: 'mar-ij also 'mer-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Old French, from marier to marry
Date: 14th century
1 a : the state of being married b : the mutual relation of husband and wife : WEDLOCK c : the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family
2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities
3 : an intimate or close union
There is no mention of love, it is merely a UNION.
I am NOT saying people who are married are not INLOVE no!!
But come on, using simple statistics and psychology, we meet guys all the time, if they are cute, we are sort of attracted (physically attracted), when we are exposed to their wicked sense of humor we become personality attracted, then you become friends or share a conversation and start getting emotionally attracted, he is understanding and kind, then he starts complimenting on ur laugh and the butterflies start.
Now come on, this happens a couple of times in ur life, IT DOES, and yes it varies, some are funnier, some are sweeter, some are cuter etc, but it happens a couple of times, yet each of us have 1 great soul mate.
defn of love
a strong positive emotion of regard and affection
a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction;
Doesnt this happen often, i mean for me it has at least.
def of soul Mate:
Classical - Greek mythology - Originally humans were combined of 4 arms, 4 legs, and a single head made of 2 faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spending their lives searching for the other half to complete them. This theory was first explained in Plato's Symposium.
Spiritual and religious - concepts of reincarnation and karma. Soulmates have spent many previous lifetimes together.
Companion soulmate - People with whom one has made a connection.
Twin flame soulmate - A popular romantic belief that there is only one true soulmate.
Scientific Soulmate - (If) a relationship can be quantified, and scored according to an internal happiness scale. A scientific soul mate is the person with whom you are the absolute happiest. You would therefore be less happy with any other person in existence.
But how do you no when u are happiest, u cant measure it. And because u are with different guys at different times of your life, u cannot compare the two cause the variables in your life change all the time and its not like u can make them stand still cetrus paribus!!
I think love can be defined by stats, all this bull shit on destiny is K@K cause what’s the chances of u meeting ur other half 1 in 40 billion or how ever many people there are in the universe.
Also, culture, religion, race all play a role.
It segregates us, and if this great Soul mate theory was true, surely it would overcome societies social norms which dictate what is acceptable or not.
There are so many barricades, fences and powers that stops us from meeting our soul mates. Love is just a chemical reaction, its all hormones induced and after a while dries up. Marriage is a
I may have gone off on a tangent, but I do not think we marry the ones who we were destined to be with, An Imam, social status, society norms, money, honor to parents, all of that influence whom we love, or who is our soul mates.
Perhaps I’m a pessimist, I don’t think I I’m just a realist who refuses to accept that my life is going to end up like a Bollywood movie, but I still am the Eternal Optimist, BRAD PITT will me MINE!!!!!

My favourite Disney cartoons are a cross between the little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. Although I loved Alladin and Hercules as well and one can't leave out the Lion Kig which goes in its own class altogether.
But theLlittle mermaid. AAAAAAAAh. DId u know that in Hans Andersons real story that the disney production was based on, well she dies in the end an becomes foam and the prince lives happily ever after with the witch?? That is the PROPER ending!!
I mean what does that imply?? Say??
As much as I love these it something I want to teach my children, that a prince will save my little girl and my son must grow up to be a prince?
Still as women we have a need to be rescued, which is annoying cause we dont, yet there is something that posioned our minds for such a long time making us believe we need to be.
I loved Shrek (well eddie Murphy stole that show) but more so because, princess Fiona choses Shrek and in the end becomes ugly.
Now you dont want to encourage your kids to be ugly either, but I think the movie is in a gentle way trying to contradict what the media and magazines presses us to believe.
That's what I think. This is an unedited, totally ill structured opinion piece. I had these pretty pics and I just needed to add some words, and now I have so I should rather end off here.
THank u guys

I feel like I'm giving an Oscar speech but here goes:
A special Shout out to da following people for their sms's and calls and e mail and poems and visits, and alles on my bday! it was well received and appreciated:
Aziza, Zainub, Afroz, Naz, Raz (in da UK c u friday), Benjan, Riedowaan Mamoe, Aunty Fowzie, Hafi, Zaida, Begam, Nuri an Shabs (the twins), Chantal, Small farha in Maur( soz bout that call), Tou (ma china alwayz), ray (dat poem), Rabs (spirulina), Ielie, Dika (for the sms, call and visit wen we going to canal walk???), Fazrey (thanks:) had a g8 time), Mumany (the cake yuuuuummm), the bois, (waseem, adam and khalid), Daadie, Sumaya Lahri nee Sayed, Sumaya Ismail (had jol thanks), Fowzie, Sitchie mamoe (yes we turned 21 again), Raouf (6pm 06.06.06 haha), Ahmed (yes i am sad), Samir, mehrun and Awa!!!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I mean there is just so much contradiction wrt love these days. As a woman you would want to be independent and stand tall, high and strong yet there are desires for a man to be by your side, without compromising your independence, or losing your inividuality.
the question arises, DOES a guy have to pay for dates? Does he have to call you first? I have paid for dates, I've called first. Was this wrong? How much do you or dont you do? Do u really want him to save you, resue you from reality?
Will being a mother and a wife compensate for the world of wonder that lays out there for us. WIll it satisfy the ever building curiosity for truth, will it quench the thirst for accomplishment, will it erradicate the need for acceptance and appreciation? Am I using big words to describe nothing?
AM i being too independent?
What are issues?
Am I being to liberal, with love, do you have to be old fasioned?
Then there are guys that buy you huge prawns on first dates, is that showing off?? DO i care for a prawn, for me it's more about the company, does he make me laugh (LOL too!), is he smart, does he have opinions or god forbid he agree with everything I say (hate that).
Not that I have been on that many dates, but you get the drift.
I just ponder on these things, I wonder on what is and is not accptable, on whether they are guidelines or whether they are society and media's norms.
I better end off now before I go off another tangent.
But what is your opinions on all this?
Friday, June 02, 2006
Lemon Merangue

Finally lemon Merangue and its heavenly:)
the base:
1 pkt tenis buscuits
125ml melted butter
The middle:
1 tin condence milk
2 egg yolks
1 lemon rind
125ml lemon juice
The top
2 egg whites
25ml castor sugar
Base: Bash buscuits up with rolling pin, imagine its someone head (no names mentioned), and add melted butter making a crumbly mixture. Press into a round pirex dish with about a 25cm diametre.
middle: Mix condence milk, yolks, rinds and juice together. Once smooth and nicely mixed, pour onto base. (u can lick the bowel clean if u want, its that yummy, this is the lemon curd actually)
the top: beat up the whites till they peaky (refering to the texture of the egg whites not body parts), and add sugar to it. Now cover your pie with it. Cover all the curd smoothing it out nicely.
Place in oven for about 10 minutes till the tops a bit light brown at 180 degrees celcuis.
Let it cool off a bit and place in fridge for a bit. would set after an hour!!
the brown part of merange will turn into golden syrup after a while in fridge 9just like the wollies merangue does, why i dunno but dont add syrup on top, the merangue will secret its own syrup!
Still to come: Jaimies Choc Brownies, orgasmically delicious!!!
chocolate, love and life (mousse at least)
u need to multiply the recipe by three if u wanna make a decent size:
1 large tin ideal milk
14 pink and white marshmallows
100g dairy milk chocooalte
take 3/4 of the tin of odeal milk, choc and marshies on a low heat and melt. stir continously untill all disolves. beat the 1/4 ideal milk . remove warm mixture from pan, and fold in beaten ideal milk.
let it set in freidge for at least 4 hrs at least the longer the better, so do it tonight and set for tomorow.
Pavlova and its flop proof

6 egg whites
250g sugar
cream of tartar 1/2 tspn
take six egg whites and beat it in a kenwood or any beating mahine as long as the whites peak up and look like styrofoam. (if eggs very small add another use ur jdgement)
next add 250g castor sugar and 1/2 tsp cream of tartar (but if u dont have cream of tartar leave it out, mine still comes out fine) and add to whites continue whipping, until a velvetty mixture, its almost glossy.
then get a silver deepeish tray a 30 by 20 cm one would do, well anything deep really, SPRAY AND COOK it, I've never used butter or anything else. empty the velvety mixture into tdish, spread the middle flattish andcurl it on the sides.
Bake at 150 degrees for half an hur and then 100 degrees for an hour. im assumin u making it tonight right. switch oven off and then leave it in the oven overnight (actually the whole day is fine too, ie whole of tomorow)
the shell will be dry, and chewy but NOT moist. it will not stick to the tray but i DO NOT remove it from the tray either, i just decorate it in the same tray. DOnt put wax paper underneath, ive never tried that, and this is not a time to experiment u need to impress them inlaws:) Jokin
but that really oughtta work
get some woolies custard, the one in a yoghurt plastic container, its just tastier, spread on the flat bit of the pavlova.
thinly slice bananas on top. i sprinkle a lil bit of lemon juice so it doesnt go brown and then sprinkle icing sugar so it doesnt taste sour.I no its as weird as putting salt and sugar in a dish, i just don't get it but its wat
next add your cream (about 500mls whipped up).
next fruit, canned peaches, canned pinaplle, if u got a mango is yummy too.This makes the pavlova look pretty. U know some desserts look pretty but taste crap, well this looks delicious and tastes delicious too.
sprinkle with icing sugar for extra sweetness.
Recipes my friends ask me for: Yes I am conceited like that
Jaimie Oliver says: Never estimate when baking , cause baking is like chemistry with edible substances the quanitites need to be correct to get the right outcome!!!
As most of you know making desserts is my speciality. Im not sure if I enjoy getting my hands dirty or what I find so therapeutic about it, unless of course I HAVE To do it. I hate HAVING to do stuff, but I like doing it in my own time, when I want to.
The mousse and pavlova is my Aunty Atiya's recipe's 'dankie dankie'!!!