Last night I woke up and it was exactly at Three o clock when I woke. Which freaks me out. A friend told me, 3 o clock is the bewitching hour and Im the biggest scardy cat. The night before i also woke up at that hour. I was freaked again.
I sleep with my pc on so i can have a bit of light (eskom better not hear that) but i promise u I totally imagine stuff. Like i have this poster witha bridge and a lake on it and then i imagine that girl fro The ring gets out o the water and walks onto the bridge into my room. AGhhhhh and then i stare at the picture all the time.
Its a very funky black and white pic but yaw. Then I go online and read bloggs or chat. Im weird like that.
When i first got my pc with internet I would be online half the night, i think im better now.
But do u think 3 o clock is a bewitching hour?
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