I feel like I'm giving an Oscar speech but here goes:
A special Shout out to da following people for their sms's and calls and e mail and poems and visits, and alles on my bday! it was well received and appreciated:
Aziza, Zainub, Afroz, Naz, Raz (in da UK c u friday), Benjan, Riedowaan Mamoe, Aunty Fowzie, Hafi, Zaida, Begam, Nuri an Shabs (the twins), Chantal, Small farha in Maur( soz bout that call), Tou (ma china alwayz), ray (dat poem), Rabs (spirulina), Ielie, Dika (for the sms, call and visit wen we going to canal walk???), Fazrey (thanks:) had a g8 time), Mumany (the cake yuuuuummm), the bois, (waseem, adam and khalid), Daadie, Sumaya Lahri nee Sayed, Sumaya Ismail (had jol thanks), Fowzie, Sitchie mamoe (yes we turned 21 again), Raouf (6pm 06.06.06 haha), Ahmed (yes i am sad), Samir, mehrun and Awa!!!
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