“Falling inlove (or lust) and fear feel a lot alike. They both give you that anxious butterfly feeling in your stomach, a sense of excitement, and a general unease physically and mentally. Its easy to confuse love with fear.”
Obtained from a book called “Its called a Breakup cause its broke”, by Greg Behrendt and Amira Routola- Behrendt, that people who brought, “He’s Not that into you”
Perhaps I’m being way too cynical here (or too accepting) but we do not always marry whom we were most in love with. Sometimes passion is a dangerous substance to consume in reality. I believe that for every person, there is
Defn of marriage:
Main Entry: mar�riage
Pronunciation: 'mar-ij also 'mer-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Old French, from marier to marry
Date: 14th century
1 a : the state of being married b : the mutual relation of husband and wife : WEDLOCK c : the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family
2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities
3 : an intimate or close union
There is no mention of love, it is merely a UNION.
I am NOT saying people who are married are not INLOVE no!!
But come on, using simple statistics and psychology, we meet guys all the time, if they are cute, we are sort of attracted (physically attracted), when we are exposed to their wicked sense of humor we become personality attracted, then you become friends or share a conversation and start getting emotionally attracted, he is understanding and kind, then he starts complimenting on ur laugh and the butterflies start.
Now come on, this happens a couple of times in ur life, IT DOES, and yes it varies, some are funnier, some are sweeter, some are cuter etc, but it happens a couple of times, yet each of us have 1 great soul mate.
defn of love
a strong positive emotion of regard and affection
a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction;
Doesnt this happen often, i mean for me it has at least.
def of soul Mate:
Classical - Greek mythology - Originally humans were combined of 4 arms, 4 legs, and a single head made of 2 faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spending their lives searching for the other half to complete them. This theory was first explained in Plato's Symposium.
Spiritual and religious - concepts of reincarnation and karma. Soulmates have spent many previous lifetimes together.
Companion soulmate - People with whom one has made a connection.
Twin flame soulmate - A popular romantic belief that there is only one true soulmate.
Scientific Soulmate - (If) a relationship can be quantified, and scored according to an internal happiness scale. A scientific soul mate is the person with whom you are the absolute happiest. You would therefore be less happy with any other person in existence.
But how do you no when u are happiest, u cant measure it. And because u are with different guys at different times of your life, u cannot compare the two cause the variables in your life change all the time and its not like u can make them stand still cetrus paribus!!
I think love can be defined by stats, all this bull shit on destiny is K@K cause what’s the chances of u meeting ur other half 1 in 40 billion or how ever many people there are in the universe.
Also, culture, religion, race all play a role.
It segregates us, and if this great Soul mate theory was true, surely it would overcome societies social norms which dictate what is acceptable or not.
There are so many barricades, fences and powers that stops us from meeting our soul mates. Love is just a chemical reaction, its all hormones induced and after a while dries up. Marriage is a
I may have gone off on a tangent, but I do not think we marry the ones who we were destined to be with, An Imam, social status, society norms, money, honor to parents, all of that influence whom we love, or who is our soul mates.
Perhaps I’m a pessimist, I don’t think I I’m just a realist who refuses to accept that my life is going to end up like a Bollywood movie, but I still am the Eternal Optimist, BRAD PITT will me MINE!!!!!
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