Sunday, June 11, 2006

A poem

There is this funny face you make
It echoes in your laugh, nothing fake

When you say my name it sounds so real
And when our hands nearly touch, in my heart I can feel

You really do care, this is something more than a dance
I'm mesmerised by what is happening, half in a trance

We go for coffee at a place by the sea
The ocean beating against the sand, no other place I want to be

Past hurts used to haunt and stop me from reaching up high above
Made me a disbeliever in the concept of love

But with your patience and humour I think I see some hope
I no longer long for the my ciggies and my cheap dope
My pessimism is gone, my thoughts no longer infested with the need to proceed on a path to prove my worth
I no longer wonder, confused, upset for my purpose on earth

Its not all perfect, there are so many things still that needs to be fixed and improved
But I've learnt to believe agian, to feel like its worth risking, my heart, my head, my ideals

So thank you for the miracle you did, I must confess
Having you in my life makes me feel less in a mess

1 comment:

thewailer said...

wow, masterful lyrical piece...