Tuesday, June 13, 2006


He looked at me with those eyes, hungry wasn't the word to describe it, I wasn't edible, I was that meal he was going to devour after being lost in a desert for days and I was the main course.

I teased him a bit and smiled so shyly, attempting to talk of everything else. I picked up a DVD in the Look and Listen store.

"Hmn, this looks good, a bit melodramtic, but I like that" I say matter of factly, looking at him out of the corner of my eye, half my view is hidden by my fringe.

He jut stares at me, not listening, not commenting not participating in my conversation at all.

"Don't you think so?" I ask politely, persisting, passing the DVD on to him.

"I can't quite think right now." he says, almost like subtly commanding me to shut up.

I like seduction games, where you kind of play with your prey first and then eat them alive.

Thats seduction, when you don't even know you're in danger. When you so unsure on what is, when reality's rigid structure falls apart, when you're too late to evacuate a building thats going to explode. My passion builds, I want him, I want the same things that he wants, if not more, so much more, and my insides starts to burn with a forbidden desire, that temptation of forbidden fruit, some things are just worth being banished forever for.

He moves closer to me and very gently grabs my arm. Its almost like in slow motion.

"This way Zuleigha, that lady can't pass through"

"Oh" I stammer, I thought he was going to embrace me with a kiss and was anticipating for him to do just that.

His mask falls back on, those brown eyes, mystery eyes, as cliche as it may sound are covered once more, behind that mask hides my man.

"Titanic?" he asks, looking at me perplexly, absurdly, holding the DVD that I had passed on to him.

"You got to be joking." he laughs at me and places the DVd back on the shelf.

yeah, i must be fucken joking!


MidlifeCrisisDolmat said...

You know, I always thought that when the flirting game is played, that the guys would feel more pressured.

I suppose now I know that even girls are anxious in the whole flirting thing too. ;)

The Pink Mermaid said...

Hell yeah u got that right. Half the guys I know are too shy to make a move, and half the girls i know think its forward to make a move.

The generalisations play to your disadvantage. I think you should just do what you feel, listen to your heart, dive in and take the risk, life's way too short to live with regret.